Knowledge and Practice level regrading Prevention and Nutritional Management of Hepatitis B among Blood Donors in some Selected Territory Hospital of Dhaka City Bangladesh
HBV, Blood Donors, Health Care Worker, Nutritional ManagementAbstract
Infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a global problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 240 million people worldwide—or one in thirty—have a chronic HBV infection, accounting for around one-third of all entities who have ever contracted the virus. The knowledge and practices of blood donors with regard to HBV are not well understood. Thus, the purpose of the study was to evaluate blood donors' knowledge and practices concerning nutritional management in relation to HBV. Using a straightforward sample technique and semi-structured questionnaires, 120 blood donors participated in face-to-face interviews for the cross-sectional study. Using a straightforward sample technique and semi-structured questionnaires, 120 blood donors participated in face-to-face interviews for the cross-sectional study. The data was analyzed using a variety of statistical procedures, such as t-tests, Pearson Chi-square tests, and frequency distributions. The participants' average age was 34.5 years, with the majority being female (83%), and most being between the ages of 31 and 40 (50.0%). According to this study, 56.7% of retailers showed good practices regarding HBV, and 25.0% had strong knowledge. One-way ANOVA and the independent sample t-test showed that blood donors from rural areas knew considerably more about HBV [0.80 (0.79-0.82) versus 0.78 (0.77-0.79)]; p=0.001. Likewise, the [mean] practice score for females was 0.81 (0.77-0.85) as opposed to 0.70 (0.59-0.81); p=0.02. And Muslim nurses [p=0.035] [0.89(0.76-0.93) against 0.79(0.61-0.87)] faiths has significantly higher positive and good practice management compared to their counterparts.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Narayan Sarker, Konika Sarker Kona, Abul Hasnat Mohiuddin (Author)

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