Conflicts of Interest

Authors must declare any financial or personal support or interests that may be identified, as well as decide how reported research findings are represented or interpreted. Employment, consultancy, ownership, honoraria, patent applications, and testimony are all examples of potential conflicts of interest. Any industry-funded initiative must pay close attention to the complete disclosure of donor participation. If no role was played, please specify that the sponsors had no involvement in the study's conception, implementation, recognition, or writing. According to The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE),  authors should avoid signing any agreements with study sponsors, for-profit or non-profit, that interfere with the author's ability to access all of the study's data or with their ability to interpret data and publish manuscripts independently when they choose.

The disclosure of potential conflicts of interest should be included in the work and will be included in the final version. If there are no conflicting interests, write "The author declares that he/she has no competing interests" in this area. For additional information, see the ICMJE's policy on competing interests.